WFWPI Educational Course with Ms. Christine May Obligar: Social Media Marketing Strategies

Written by: Mion Tsuchiaka

Want to learn how to promote your SNS account, but don't know where to start? The Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) expanded on this by offering a free online educational course on marketing for complete beginners, led by Ms. Christine May Obligar. The course focused on learning from young professionals the proven strategies that highly skilled social media professionals use to gain an edge and stand out on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Ms. Obligar is a results-driven social media manager who helps brands increase their presence on all social media platforms by proactively engaging their target audiences, cultivating an engaged community, generating new leads quickly and staying ahead of competitors. In 2022, Ms. Obligar has been working as an administrative assistant at Sun Hwa International Academy in the Philippines and as an executive secretary at the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) of the Asia-Pacific region. She is the social media manager for CMCObligar Online Services, designing and executing social media strategies in line with business goals. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the International Peace Leadership College in the Philippines.

The six courses were arranged to demonstrate the functions of different types of SNS marketing and the responsibilities of project leaders and members involved in semi-professional SNS marketing. The topics revolved around ways to present and evaluate SNS marketing at different stages of performance, to create interesting content and engaging algorithms and to provide professional technical support and manage different social media independently.

Every Saturday from June 4 to July 9, Ms. Obligar gathered foreign participants of various ages to teach the basics of social network marketing in a detailed and easy-to-understand language. Although many of the topics were new to them, through a lively Q&A session, participants were able to ask questions directly to the instructor and confirm the content. The instructor also shared the challenges and achievements of the work based on her experience of developing her own brand, CMCObligar Online Services.

At the end of the course, as a practical exercise, all participants were instructed to create their own brand by making a social networking page on Facebook to promote their business or work. In this way, participants were able to confirm what they had learned in a practical setting and ask questions on the spot, thereby acquiring new techniques and skills. All participants were overwhelmed and excited by each session and expressed their gratitude to the instructor and to WFWPI for organizing this much-needed education in this day and age.

WFWP IHQ plans to continue to host virtual educational courses in 2023.

**Women’s Federation for World Peace International, as an international NGO, provides accessible education to people in need. WFWPI believes education is a very important factor in engaging and benefiting people everywhere. In 2022, WFWPI offered five versatile programs across a wide range of fields, including finance, digital art, NFT production, SNS marketing and healing therapy.